Max Weylandt.

← Back An Interactive View of Namibian Election Results

12 October, 2024

With elections coming up, I often want to quickly look up some basic historical facts — what percentage of the votes SWAPO won last time around, whether the PDM has recovered from its lows in the mid-aughts, that sort of thing. Being in possession of all the data helps, but I — and, presumably, others — don’t want to write code every time I want to look something up.

For myself, and others interested in Namibian election history, I made an interactive page. that shows historical National Assembly results for all parties, on the regional or national level. You can quite easily compare a set of parties’ trajectories:

Or you can view a map to identify regional hotspots (and how they’ve changed over time):

Everything is done in R Shiny. A few notes:

If you’re interested in this sort of thing, have a look at

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